I had to look it up, but I typically associate it with those slow days that come on the back half of summer, where there's that underlying anxiety about summer coming to an end. For most of us, the racing season is over, we're salvaging the rest of our vacation time and dreading the shortening of days. Look at it a different way. Now's when you need to be training in earnest for those fall events and goals you really ought to be planning for. It could be racing cyclocross. Maybe it's that century ride you've been been wanting to do and invariably putting off. Don't think. Do. What better way to begin to build that momentum than by doing something short and hard that, perhaps, you'd rather not do. Nothing like accomplishing a short term act of self discipline to direct on the larger path of accomplishment.
- 10 min W/U
- 20 min Tempo - last five minutes Threshold
- 5x1/2 lap (1:05-1:10) @ L6 / 1/2 lap recovery pace
- 20 min Paceline Drills
- 3x1/4 lap Seated Max